Hi! I’m Sara, professional editor and details gal. I help authors craft their language to create riveting books for their readers.
My specialties
Craft Books and Content
​Good craft writing makes anybody feel capable of creating. I help makers who write about crafts, cooking, gardening, and other hobbies inspire their readers. I’m here to amplify your voice as a trusted teacher and make sure your instructions are clear and easy to follow.
Fiction and Narrative Nonfiction
​Nothing tops the joy of being absorbed in a story. I help authors keep their readers immersed by tending to the details that bring stories to life. While I will edit books in most genres, my genre specialties include adult and YA fantasy, romance, and narrative nonfiction.
My services
Line Editing
Line editing is a line-by-line dive into the tone, style, and flow of your writing. I’ll give your manuscript a close read to make sure your words are working to tell your story as well as possible.
​Copyediting smooths out issues of grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, and consistency that might confuse or distract your readers, so they can focus their attention on your story.
Proofreading is the final read of your formatted book to make sure no errors or formatting issues have slipped through after copyediting and layout.
Series Bibles
​A series bible is an essential tool for fiction writers working on a series of stories set in the same world. I help authors compile series bibles to keep track of important story and setting details for later reference.